Dec 1, 2023Liked by Amy Stewart

Hah! Loved your newsletter, and can TOTALLY relate😁

So many choices in this world, all very exciting, but one has to choose!

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Yes! Sadly, we must choose.

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Haha - this is so relatable! I also love the idea of knitting, and have tried it - bought all the gear, loads of yarn... but never graduated from scarves and could just about manage a hat. Anything more than that and it is just tooooo complicated!

I also have more bikes than I reasonably need, and actually haven't ridden on one for at least 6 months... maybe an ebike is the answer ;-)

I also love the idea of picking up my guitar again, but just don\t have enough hours in the day, and it hurts my finger tips as they are now soft from not playing in over 20 years!!

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More bikes than you reasonably need! So on the subject of guitars, I just heard an interview with some guitar-playing actor (I forget who), who said, "If the number of guitars you own exceeds the number of chords you know, you're a guitar collector."

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Yes… and I’m doing it. Come visit me in Portugal and see.

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Oh I very much want to get to Portugal again!

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I too love the idea of knitting. And, for the same reasons as you, I am not biking in Vancouver even though I used a bike every day while living in the Netherlands.

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There's something about biking and sketching that seems like it should go together. Also, how great would it be to get a group of sketchers together at Shetland Wool Week? We might even get a knit cap out of it.

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That would be great!!

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I love this. I also love the idea of knitting but it just ain’t gonna happen 😂

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I hear you!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Amy Stewart

I'm totally fine with being imprecise, too. Thanks for giving me that word - I'll be using it from now on. I'm a quilter and hate following a pattern exactly. I can knit but have found I'm only good for hats and scarves, sometimes mittens, all basic. Making a sweater is too much for me. I do wish I weren't afraid of traffic so I could bike everywhere, and although I probably could save myself in a pinch, I'm not a great swimmer either. I love reading your thoughts!

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Sounds like we have a lot in common!

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Yes, haha, I feel seen! I recently signed up for a (not inexpensive) coveted spot in an all day Sashiko course because I love Japan and write about Japan and really would love to stitch intricate works of art on vintage scraps of hand-dyed indigo fabric and swaddle myself in them. But the thing is, I really don't enjoy hunching over stitch work, it makes my neck hurt, and as you said, I have enough hobbies! I literally made the decision yesterday to cancel my enrollment, and your post helps me celebrate that choice. I think we all have something to learn from our aspirational selves about what we value.... and it doesn't mean we have to do _all_ the things.

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Maybe it's good to just *want* to do all the things? At least it means we're interested in things outside our day-to-day?

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I loved this post because it demonstrates that you are content being you. I don’t think there could be another version of me, so I am working on total acceptance of this one with all weird quirks onboard. The idea of cold water would give me shivers if I were in a sauna, but a sauna is a place I would never be. I don’t like extreme heat - or sweat for that matter. The coziness of the knitting group seems so warm and cuddly, but I won’t knit or fly to Shetland. It’s all good - I do the things I love and love the things I do. If that is redundant, sorry. I can’t figure out if it is and I’ve been working on that for a minute or two. Thanks for a great post that made me reflect - and I do love to reflect.

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Seems like it's making a lot of people reflect. These stories are so interesting! Paths not taken!

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Oh heavens! I feel outed! It’s been a lifetime since I sketched then lovingly painted the coleus leaves growing in my Salt Lake City sunroom. I was so proud of the results. I loved the deep feeling of concentration.

Rarely painted or sketched again. Now, almost 50 years later I’m ready to try again. I’m amassing supplies, haunting nature journal groups and am poised to take an online class or two.

As a plantswoman living on a wildflower farm my visual embrace of nature is a constant. I’m determined to casually incorporate the pleasurable skill of nature and travel journaling into my life. Wish me luck!

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Well, you know I am all about encouraging people to draw and paint! Even if it doesn't become a daily thing. It can be a once-in-a-while thing and still be great!

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As a fellow plantswoman (lovely word!), I very much hope you learn to embrace art again. I hope to do the same someday ❤️

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Please know that your encouragement is greatly appreciated Diane!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Amy Stewart

Yes! I will never be a climber! 🧗 It checks the boxes of things I love - solitude, fresh air, cerebral- and non competitive- physical challenge. But I have t-Rex arms and get vertigo looking down even mildly steep trail edges. So I will keep hiking, press my luck trail running, and watch Free Solo through my fingers.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Amy Stewart

Ha! My husband says I have T-Rex arms!

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I hear you about climbing! I want to see all those views, I just don't want to climb up to them. In Joseph, OR there's an aerial tram/ski lift type thing to the top of the mountain, and a cafe waiting for you when you get up there. That's my kind of climbing!

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Climbing aboard is good.

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You reminded me of a forgotten desire. Climbing! Those backs and arms!

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I always wanted to be a musician but two tiny details prevented that. First, I have absolutely no music talent and, second, I far too much of a homebody to go on tour. But other than that ... 🙃

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I hear you! I always wanted to be a songwriter. That keeps not happening.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Amy Stewart

I’ve always wanted to learn sign language then when I think of going to school and it stops me.

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I get it!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Amy Stewart

I always wanted to through-hike the Appalachian Trail. As much as it hurts, I must acknowledge that this will never happen. Probably. Definitely. I don't know. I can't quite give up hope but who's kidding whom.

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Well, it's nice to have a little dream! Maybe a bit of it will come true, who can say.

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I loved this post! I want to be someone who loves hiking, who treks up mountains in the winter and skis back down through the trees, but I know that I never will be that person--I’d rather just take a walk.

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One thing I'll NEVER be is a cook/chef. I would LOVE to create masterful foods that taste delicious but I detest cooking. Hate it so much lol.

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Agreed! So much time goes into a meal that, let's be honest, mostly gets wolfed down in 15 minutes.

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It’s funny: I DO cold swim and cycle but the thing I want to do and haven’t yet done is drawing and painting. I subscribe to newsletters like this to remind me I want to! (Things I’ll never do but used to imagine: running a bookstore or food truck, being an astronaut!)

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Ha! Well, you know I'm going to do my best to bring you over to drawing and painting! And as someone who used to own a bookstore...it's not like the brochure, let's just say that!

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