What a lovely thought to chew on. It seems like the more dull facts you know, the richer your life is.

I’ve been making an effort to be able to bird by ear. There are birds that don’t always come to the feeder, but now I know they are around when they are singing. It makes the world feel so much less isolating.

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Audrey, this is beautiful. What a neat little hobby. I adore all the bird sounds I get to hear around my home. I'm on the edge of the city and truly appreciate the nature here.

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Somehow this was just what I wanted to read right now. A Dull Women's Club would be a wonderful place to stop by and simply be. And thank you for talking about the movie. It looks lovely and all the adjectives describing it feel like just what I/ we all need right now. I look forward to seeing it soon.

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OMG a Dull Women's Club 😂😂 I clicked the link and joined the DWC Facebook group and was shocked to find there are 245,000 other dull women! Your newsletter made my day lol.

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Amy - this is awesome! I recently re-retired (third time hoping this one will take) - and have totally gotten into geology... where did that come from? Oh yah I am from Hawaii - volcano land; and live in Oregon - basalt flows everywhere! Anyways - having time to dive into any old interesting rabbit hole is what delights me about retirement. Ross Gay needs to write about what a delight the dull life! I will check out the Facebook and here's a toast to dullness.

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I'm so glad you have got access to The Detectorists! It's a fabulously gentle and beautifully produced TV series - highly recommended. Very English.

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I just joined dull women's and the range of personality is amazing. Don't know about sub chat rooms or in person gatherings but the group so far has been accepting and sooo funny. There are some clever writers in there.

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Sign me up, too!

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I belong to a casual, undefined group of ladies of a certain age that I suppose one could call "dull"... except we actually do have some interesting viewpoints and we occasionally advise each other on how to deal with life's challenges and untidy bits.

We get together at one of our's homes once a week to play Rummikut, for money !! { a few quarters change hands, just to keep things interesting} It's not exactly a club house or shack... but it's familiar, its comfortable to sit around a table by the pool [we're in Florida], sharing some simple finger snacks and ice tea. Anyway, one of our menfolk commented that we were a dull bunch... I take it as a complement.

We have a mascot... which I highly recommend to all groups. Ours is a curly tail lizard that comes around hoping we'll drop a morsel of food... it's particularly fond of blueberries, so that's what we've named our lizard, no idea if its male or female, but we like to think its one of us. Birds make lovely mascots too.

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Love this. And appreciated that all the dull things you mentioned in the post, don't seem dull to me at all. But then, I spent Sunday cleaning fountain pens.

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LOVE this. I have managed to thus far escape the clutches of FB, but the existence of a Dull Women’s Club is so enchanting that it might lure me two decades later. Thanks for the great post!

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Exactly! I made an FB under protest, and it is more or less disused—but what a nice prospect such a group is!!!

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Love this!

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