First a book series suggestion: The Pentecost and Parker mystery series (two books so far) by Stephen Spotswood. Former circus knife-thrower Willowjean Parker becomes assistant to Lillian Pentecost, a private eye in 1942 New York City. Lillian has multiple sclerosis; Willowjean is bisexual. It's fun and fast-paced, with complex plots and well-written characters.

Question: I'm a reference librarian, but since the advent of the internet we don't get a whole lot of good, in-depth reference questions. Do you use the library, either for your leisure reading or your research? If you do, what library resources have you found to be the most helpful?

Thank you!

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I love your newsletter and your "hodgepodge." It's great that you are interested in so many different areas and aren't afraid to write about them all. So many creatives today limit themselves to one focus. I too am interested in books, writing, cooking, art, and a host of other subjects. I can't pick just one!

Book Recommendation: The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish and The One In a Million Boy by Monica Wood. Both are fabulous and I've read them more than once.

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So happy to see another newsletter, and to know that you're finishing the Kopp sisters series with a last book. It has been such a joy, but I'm sure when it's time to stop, it just is.

Glad to see your artwork too, and I can't wait to read The Tree Collectors. I just finished The Hidden Life of Trees, and I can't imagine collecting a bunch of them. What do the trees think of this?

Your fan,

Marilyn Mathis

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